Wednesday, May 31, 2006

yup. pictures. 20 days later...

I didn't realize I had so much catching up to do. But no worries. Got to it all now. And I didn't even bother to watermark them, or resize them. You're getting pretty good quality stuff here. Had to sacrifice on something.

I had to go over pretty much everything since I've been in the Netherlands! The sites are all linked one to the other, but here is a quick rundown:

Tue, May 09: Tilburg, Textile Museum
Wed, May 10: 's-Hertogenbosch
Thu, May 11: Utrecht
Fri, May 12: 12 of 12 in Tilburg
Sat, May 13: Region of Zeeland

Mon, May 15: Den Haag

Wed, May 17 through Tue, May 23: Madrid, Valencia, and around.

Fri, May 26: Den Haag
Sat, May 27: Tilburg
Sun, May 28: Rotterdam

Monday and Tue I took off. I needed to recharge. Lousy night. I am reaching the point where I start getting homesick. Which is silly, 'cause I don't have a home. At spots I get too depressed to keep traveling, I am emotionally drained, and traveling alone is no fun. But I am not likely to get this chance again, so I'm gonna milk it for all I can, even if I have to force myself through it. So, next up is Belgium, London... if the apt in Amsterdam works out, I will have 2 weeks to settle there. Oh. I just realized I should ask if there is internet!! I keep thinking it's a given... big mistake.

Today I also had the house all to myself, as my hosts went off Mon night to a conference for two days! Paaartyyyy!!! :D Eh, I mean, just kidding... nothing happened... yeah, Figment, don't worry... ;)

What I did do is take a chance, against Figment's advice (they all do butch haircuts here! It's terrible! Don't let them touch you!) to go to the local commercial center and visit the hairdresser... I figured I might as well fully live out the childishness I keep having tacked on me. After 2.5 hrs (!!) I got out with colored stripes and some extra layers... Maybe you'll get to see it in a new picture later.

Yup. Keep going. I can do it. I don't need no one.

Now all I'm missing is a good shoulders, neck, and back massage... maybe those are cheap here, too... *grin*

PS) Here is a public thx to those online that listened to me ranting... it helped a lot. Even though you are so far away, having your thoughts and comfort, or even just some distraction and company, made a big diff. And ppft to anyone that says otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Val: I'm catching up now on your adventures. I'm so far behind on my reading. You can keep going, and must. We are all living vicariously through you anyway. If you stop now, according to the rules, you must go back to Start, ie AU!--Kevin

battlegirl said...

Never! On I go, then... ;)