Happy new year! and last travel plans
Happy new year to all. 'Hope it brings everyone good stuff.
Me, I can't wish for a better year than 2006, but since I'm on a roll, why not. 2007 sure started well enough. I'm still in Costa Rica, lending a hand in organizing things in my hosts' home, with no worries other than to organize my future, and I've just finalized the purchase of my plane tickets.
I'll be leaving Costa Rica to go to Key West, in Florida, on January 16th. There I'm going to give it a shot at writing this book, since I'm visiting one of my old college roommates who has become a writer herself.
On February 1st I'll be reaching North Carolina, to visit an old coworker and his wife, who just bought their house there. It'll be a quick visit, so I can make it back to New York for superbowl sunday.
I'll be making base in New York through March 14th, planning on how to move my life over to Italian soil. During that time I'll also be visiting friends in Montreal and anywhere else I can reach.
All this while grandma is asking when I get back. Through her care-taker, as she can't hear me when I speak over the phone. But she says this between random obsessive requests, so I'm trying to convince myself that she can't really make the difference...
I originally planned a much earlier trip. Be there before march. Then I figured who knows when I'll be back on this side of the pond... i don't want to regret not doing this trip my way. Have enough time to do everything I am planning on doing. No regrets is better than sacrifices. A selfish view, perhaps. But arriving to a cold city, with no home and a whole life to start over again, and a senile grandma to look over, with whom I can barely communicate... I do have new friends and opportunities waiting for me, but I can't help and be anxious.
And leaving March 14th will make it exactly one year of travel. I left March 14th 2006 from NY. I figured it was worth the extra time to make a clean close on it.
So, there's that.
Happy new year.
1 comment:
hehe, I noticed that myself, that you are leaving NY for Europe exactly a year after you did last time. And you're missing my b-day again :(
Which sucks because it *is* all about me...
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