My stay in Milan so far
The funeral was held last Thursday. Very few people were still in touch with grandma, it was a small ceremony. My first catholic funeral, I think. And seeing grandma dead made it the first time I saw the lifeless shell of someone I had known in life.
The biggest treasury she left behind was a collection of old correspondence, photo albums, and all her writings, published and non. I even found letters from my own father, 10 yrs old, when he first went away to boarding school...!! It all went to fill in the holes of a past that I knew little of. Amazing experience.
Anything of value, like her ring and watch, disappeared. Also a bunch of copies of her books, which she had kept and I had seen in her wardrobe. The president of the institute shrugged and said "You know how it is..." Almost worth kicking his ass, if it wasn't that it was all stuff I had no relation to. I have at least one copy of all her writings, and the things she wore don't tell me much, so I can leave them behind... Sucks to feel helpless in the matter, though.
As she is being cremated, she wont reach the cemetery until this Friday. Then she will rest, in peace, while us living ones continue to walk this earth and deal with mundane things. Like her material possessions. While I'm the only heir, out popped someone with a will where all the money goes to them and some friars... It's from over 10 years ago, and we can't track down any other will, so it's going to become an issue. *sigh*
Funny how these people are being all proper about the will, and they didn't even show up at the funeral. Nor did they arrange any of the paperwork I had to take care of, like her pension, or mentioned that I had to return any of her personal belongings...
Bah humbug.
While I wait for all this crap, I keep busy shooting pics and meeting random new friends. Here is some beauty for the soul, to cancel out some of the crap above.
Hola Val... como va la estadia en Milan? que barbaros que no respetan ni a los muertos, se robaron las cosas de tu abuela? y como siempre aparecen parientes o gente inesperada e inescrupulosa a la hora del testamento.
Y muy Tuanis las fotos de los paisajes.
ti sono vicino per la morte di tua nonna.
Hi, Val,
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother, and especially that you have to deal with this other stuff on top of that. I hope things are looking up a little by now.
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