Thursday, July 20, 2006

Italian public wifi spots... useless

Confirmed: email clients are blocked at a public wifi spot. And so are chat clients, apparently. So I'm stuck with webmail and public internet. Definitely no checking of my bank account here...

I'm surprised that the blog client works. At least I got one thing! Although now I have to worry about my traffic being watched... passwords snooped, usernames logged...

The place I'm at now is not very accessible from where I am, but I'll do my best to try elsewhere. Cool news: I might have found travel companions for a trip through Eastern Europe in September! 2-3 weeks semi-planned by other people :) More news on that if and when they take shape.

1 comment:

Matthew Monahan: said...

Hey Val!

It's great to hear that you're feeling well again. I've been following your blog occasionally to see how your travels are progressing across Europe. It's definitely making me want to take a trip over there, but I have to think it's so much better when you know people in the area!

All is well stateside - the new job is great. I played hockey last night for the first time since I've been down in Cary (which, by the way was just ranked the fifth best place to live in the US).

Safe journeys,