the "why?" (or, work sucks)
Disclaimer: if you are a current employee of the place I just left, take this entry with a grain of salt ;) This is my personal life now, and I have no intention of returning, so, all considered, I'm being very nice. :P
Why did I give up a job that had signed off on the paperwork for a green card? Why did I decide to let the work visa expire and take off, leaving all I've built in the past decade behind?
Well, I've been at the same job for 6.5 years, after 3.5 years of study in the same university. I started off as a newbie at web development, with just a Fine Arts degree, but I was given a chance to develop my skills. I got pretty far for a couple of years, had room to grow, things were looking bright, I learned a lot and felt happy. Then I learned that management makes a big difference (hey, it was my first job, I didn't have a clue yet). Things got an overhaul, I ended up being the only remnant in the department of the original people, and I was on the wrong side of office politics.
I could be very bitter about the past couple of years. All I keep hearing from people is not to burn bridges. But I think all the respect people have for me is from being my honest little self, and I left in part 'cause that was being suppressed. I still can't decide how open to be about the whole thing. I had a lovely, very personal send-off, multiple parties, lotsa well-wishes (and I kept being told not to take things personally at work... pfft) that softened me up a lot. For now I'll leave it at a general discontent with the way things were run. And I know it wasn't just me. The place is run on lack of communication, but every time I opened up to anyone one-on-one, unhappy feelings always came up. Funny thing is, everyone in my chain of command praised *my* management skills with those students under my supervision. I know they are all still going to school to learn to be managers... but why did *I* get to remain at the bottom rung?
Anyhoo, I'm gonna leave it at that. And note I didn't mention where I worked. It's not hard to figure out, but at least I'm *trying* to be a bit subtle.
Keep tuned for random "work sucks" tidbits in between entries. And this is a good spot to introduce my new theme song (thanks Lila!)
Spiego perche` me ne sono andata dal mio lavoro dopo tanti anni, ed avendo l'opportunita` di farmi residenza qua negli stati uniti... basicamente, mi sono stufata delle persone per cui dovevo lavorare. Davvero non valeva la pena rimanere in questa situazione. Poi spiego di piu` quando arrivo ;)
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