Sunday, July 30, 2006

now we're talking...


I finally found a fiber optics connection to hook my computer to for a couple of hours... the place is amazing, a robotics lab in an old palace in Genova... a wonderful mixture of high-tech with old-school. and i get to visit it at 3am... lol. Man, this is the life. I've really spent a great week here. :D

I'm off to the south of Italy this afternoon, sunday. Should arrive monday morning, and then I have to find an internet connection again... *sigh* good news is, there shouldn't be much to do in Crotone, so I'll have time to update the blog :)


Anonymous said...

Oye... Y como estan los italianitos??? Dicen que por esos rumbos hay buena materia prima masculina... y con taaanto calor.. me imagino que debes de haber visto algunos prospectos :P

Unknown said...

Apuy :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found your CF card... those pics are gorgeous!