The adventure starts tomorrow!!
keep an eye out for the Iberia flight leaving JFK at 5:50pm tomorrow Tuesday. If all goes well, I should be in Madrid by 7am Wed (their time). Around 1am NY time. And I hope I find my friend in madrid. At least I have all day to do it...
...and now to pack!
Parto domani sera per Madrid, se tutto va bene arrivo mercoledi` mattina!
Good luck and travel safe!!! *hugs*
Cuidado con una sobredosis de tranquilizers... je je.. y la das un abrazo a Angela!! Por cierto.. el jueves ya es mi entrevista con Concordia.. they granted me a phone interview!!! No tengo ni idea de que me van a preguntar.. *sigh* pero bueno.. ;P Suerte con tu viaje y apunta TOOODOOOO... hasta lo mas superficial, lo mas poco importante, lo mas banal.. esos detallitos haran del relato mas real!!
El anonymous anterior era yo.. prisci... pero este pinche chunche no me dejo loggearme... con mi user :(
So it begins tomorrow eh? *sniff* Well, good luck =3 Hope events go largely in your favor in terms of finding the people you're looking for, as well as everything else.
*goes to add RSS feed to his Google homepage*
(PS- what's with blogger taking the capital letters out of my alias :< it's CnEY, darnit...oh well. And for anyone who doesn't know who I am and would otherwise, CnEY == K.G.)
Bon Voyage, have a safe trip send me a post card ;)
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