last week in madrid
I have final reservations for a plane to paris this wed, april 19. If all goes well I'll be arriving around 6:30pm at charles de gaulle. Then I have to find my way through the public transportation system and arrive at Ana's. I have a nice step-by-step for all the trains. Let's see if I manage as easily as I did in Spain. I have the extra difficulty level of not speaking French. :)
I have some more pics from last weekend. I have relaxed a bit with the sight-seeing, and I'm more just hanging out, soaking in the contentment, and waiting for the next big city adventure :) Plus "Semana Santa" in Spain is a big thing, everyone gets 4 days off, at 3pm Wed everyone is rushing out towards the beaches or other vacation spots.
Not sure what we'll be doing this weekend and through Wed. Angela had Thu-Sun off, but Cris has Sat-Tue off. So only their weekend coincides. We had some vague plans of taking off for the beach, but Ariel is with her the first two days, and with the father the other two, so it kinda impeded any long-term planning. We did visit a friend outside of Madrid yesterday, past a national reservation with deers and all... I got to lay by a pool in the bright mid-April sun for an hour or two. No tanning, though :P
The only things I did this week have been trying to get to the Monasterio de las Descalzas reales (closed this week) and the American Museum (also closed early on Sun) and the Faro de la Moncloa (closed since last August). So, lotsa walking about but nothing much accomplished.
Ah well.
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