Friday, June 02, 2006

oooh... now I figured it out!

Most of you know that I had added the "send me an email when you update this blog" option to my blog.

From the start, many friends told me it wasn't working. The one thing that did work was the tracker of who visited the blog. Well, kinda. It gave me very low stats from countries I know no one in... so I figured it was all screwy.

Tonight I finally logged back in, realized what the error in the setup was (although I'm sure I got it right the first time, it just un-did itself! I swear!), so all 18 people that signed up should be getting emails from now on! This will be a good test for it. If you get this in your email, remember to check once in a while to hear about my adventures. This is Val, by the way ;)

So many people I hadn't heard from since I left, and I thought they were all lost in time, but now I realize they did give it a try from the get go. I am soooo sorry I didn't get to fix this earlier. I'm looking forward to hear from ya. 'Hope you get this post. Miss ya all!

- Val

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